Author of articles Viktória Bányai

Viktória Bányai
Published by:
6 Articles

Author's articles

  • Effective recipes to increase male potency at home. Tips and recommendations for taking herbal medicine: decoctions, tinctures, teas.
    25 March 2024
  • Affordable and effective recipes for increasing potency in men. Medicinal herbs, foods, medicinal baths to combat erectile dysfunction. Rules for preventing impotence.
    31 October 2023
  • Symptoms of overexcitement in men, what to do when eggs hurt from overexcitation - medicines and folk remedies.
    12 May 2022
  • Medicinal herbs to increase potency in men are natural raw materials used in different variations to fight male impotence. We present a list of plants that increase potency and increase erection, as well as folk recipes for tinctures, decoctions and teas for men.
    21 March 2022
  • Discharge from the male genitals; criteria for physiological and pathological discharge in prostatitis, gonorrhea, thrush; male discharge when aroused. The reasons for the appearance of blood and pus in the urethra, its connection with tumors. Algorithm for medical examination.
    30 December 2021
  • The increase in potency in men is carried out by popular methods or medications. Zinc-rich foods, as well as special exercise, have a positive effect on potency.
    29 December 2021